Mine Your Travel Analytics Data for Valuable Business Insights

Voyage Manager collects a wealth of travel data that our clients can use to cut costs, optimise travel patterns, and ensure they have the right level of insurance cover.

Advantages of Voyage Manager’s Data Analytics

Improved oversight

Get improved oversight of all travel activity and cost

Reduced overlap

Reduce the number of overlapping trips, reducing excessive costs

Better Deals

Get better pricing deals with travel providers.

Uncover Valuable Insights from Your Travel Analytics

Voyage Manager retains all relevant travel information on behalf of clients, including trip requests and approvals, bookings, itineraries, location tracking data, safety check-in results, and more. This data can yield crucial insights for your business.

Examples of some of the key questions our travel analytics tools can answer (you can customise the time period for each report):

  • Which countries and states did your employees visit most often?
  • How long in total did travellers spent in a given country or state?
  • How many days were spent travelling by your organisation’s staff?
  • How many flights took place with a specific airline? (Also by flight code.)
  • How many nights were spent at a particular hotel chain? (Also by individual hotel.)
  • What was the total number of trips taken, and who travelled the most?
  • How many journeys overlapped, with multiple travellers at the same location?
  • Which trips were approved in line with your organisation’s travel policy?
  • What percentage of travellers read the country profiles in their pre-travel briefings?
  • Which airports and other transport hubs did your travellers use most often?

Beyond our range of standard reports, we can work with you to help you extract other relevant insights from your travel data.

Cut Corporate Travel Expenses Without Curtailing Travel

Knowledge is power. By leveraging your travel data, you can identify frequently used suppliers, and negotiate more favourable rates. For example, by knowing your organisation spent 2,000 nights at a specific hotel chain last year, you could secure a preferential rate for future bookings. Similarly, if you can see that a certain airport hub is frequently used, you could negotiate special rates for lounge access.

Identifying frequent destinations lets you research alternative flight options and explore more convenient connections. Even marginal savings per trip can result in substantial savings across a large workforce.

Furthermore, you can also use travel data insights to influence staff behaviour. For example, if over 5,000 flights were taken on a particular airline, you can encourage travelling employees to join their mileage programme.

Use Your Travel Analytics to Optimise Travel Insurance Cover

Employees are legally bound to protect their staff during business travel. However, the cost of company travel insurance can vary widely, and it’s easy to overpay. Your premium will depend on the number of travellers, trip durations and destinations, and other factors. Voyage Manager takes the guesswork out of estimating your travel insurance needs. You will be able to negotiate appropriate cover based on your actual travel, while minimising premiums.

Ready to transform your travel data into actionable insights? Let Voyage Manager show you how. Request a demo today and discover the potential of our robust travel analytics tools.

Customer love

Don't just believe us, read what some of our customers have to say.

“Having a system in place that we can trust allows us to monitor our crew. Voyage Manager contributed to us building our credibility and reputation as a company.”
Steinar Fjeldbo
Fugro Geoteam
“We want to be the absolute industry leaders by having the system in place to maintain and monitor the safety and security of our staff. Voyage Manager allows us to do that.”
Dominic Milne
University of Aberdeen
“We needed a partner that would stay up to speed with safe global travel, its risk, health and security requirements. Voyage Manager gave us what we needed; it’s making our life easier.”
Debra McCabe

Contact Us Or Book A Demo

We would love to be able to tell you all about Voyage Manager, and answer your questions. Contact us by phone or email to find out more or book a demo. We look forward to working with you.

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