Travel Tracking for International Business Travellers

Does your company have international business travellers?

International business travellers are employees that travel around the world on behalf of your company. They may be frequent or infrequent travellers, they may be executives or junior staff. In any case you have a duty of care, to ensure their safety and well being while they travel.

Your support should extend beyond duty to care to include tax and immigration.

Travel Security

Ensuring the wellbeing of your travelers is not only a legal requirement, but also makes good business sense. Travellers are more likely to make trips if they know their employers care about them. The key elements of travel security are travel tracking, destination briefings and in-country alerts.

Voyage Manager's travel tracker is the first active and automated tracker on the market, providing you with the only accurate end to end tracking service. Our pre-trip country briefings and real time in-country alerts ensure that your travellers are properly briefed and informed before and during their trips.

Travel Vault

A travel vault stores travelers' personal data. It provides the traveler with an online storage of useful and essential travel relate information, while being an important archive for the company should something happen to the traveler.

Voyage Travel Vault is an active vault. It not only stores information but also notifies travelers when their information is about to expire. The notification for a passport may be 6 months before expire, whereas a vaccination may be 1 month.

When uploading data into the Travel Vault the traveler can include scanned copies of the relevant documents, providing extra security in case the original documents get lost.


When spending a significant amount of time in any country or state a traveler risks tax and residency issues. Monitoring and recording how many days are spent in each location is essential. Failure to meet ones tax obligations can result in fines, delays, bans and potentially prison.

Tax uses a combination of travel and itinerary data, GPS location data and user input to create an accurate picture of the number of days spent in any country or state. Using a combination of tax residency rules, tax treaties and customer thresholds Voyage Tax notifies the traveler and administrator when the traveler approaches and breaches tax and custom thresholds.


International travel often requires passports and visas. Although a valid passport is a must, a lot of countries also require travellers to have at least 6 months left on their passports before the trip starts. Failure to have a valid passport of visa can result in expensive emergency passport or visas, delayed travel and denied entry.

Voyage Immigration stores electronic copies of your passports and visas, providing travelers easy online access to the documents from any locaiton. It also monitors the documents ensuring that you are notified before they expire, giving you plenty of time to renew the documents. When planning trips Voyage Immigration will inform you if a visa is required for the destination countries.

Our visa partners can help you with the visa application process, taking another workload off your mind.

Customer love

Don't just believe us, read what some of our customers have to say.

“Having a system in place that we can trust allows us to monitor our crew. Voyage Manager contributed to us building our credibility and reputation as a company.”
Steinar Fjeldbo
Fugro Geoteam
“We want to be the absolute industry leaders by having the system in place to maintain and monitor the safety and security of our staff. Voyage Manager allows us to do that.”
Dominic Milne
University of Aberdeen
“We needed a partner that would stay up to speed with safe global travel, its risk, health and security requirements. Voyage Manager gave us what we needed; it’s making our life easier.”
Debra McCabe

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