Anonymous Travel Tracking

Anonymous travel tracking is tracking travellers without knowing who those travellers are. Although this may sound pointless there are important reasons for having anonymous travel tracking, including protecting travellers' identities, data protection and more.

Why Anonymous Travel Tracking?

Anonymous Travel Tracking enables organizations to comply with national and international regulations while the the same time doing their best to ensure the safety and security of their travellers. It also enables employees to feel that their data privacy is protected.


The European Union has very strict data protection and data privacy legislation. Some member countries, such as Germany have even stricter legislation, making it very difficult if not impossible to track employee travel. Anonymous travel tracking enables organizations within these jurisdictions to meet their duty of care towards their employees while staying within the law.

Traveler Compliance

A lot of employees are concerned about their employers tracking their travel and movements. They believe their employers are not entitled to know where they are and where they have been. This fear means that employees are less likely to comply with company policies, even if they are in the employees' own interest. Anonymous tracking hides personal identifiable information, increasing the likelyhood that employees will accept the tracker, improving traveler compliance.

Types of Anonymous Travel Tracking

There are three main types of travel tracking; anonymous entry, completly anonymous and anonymized view. Each of these ways of doing anonymous tracking have advantages and disadvantages.

Anonymous Data Entry

Any travel tracker can support anonymous entry tracking. In anonymous entry all personal data entered into the travel tracker is anonymized before being entered into the tracker. Each traveller is given a unique code or identifier within the tracker and is known by that identifier only. A separate document or database stores a mapping of the identifier to the actual traveler. For GPS tracking this works fine, but for itineraries all trips have to manually entered. This is both tedious and prone to error.

Completely Anonymous

Completely Anonymous is a completely private form of travel tracking. All traveller information is turned into an unique identifier, which cannot be decoded, ensuring that no personal identifiable data is stored in the travel tracker. This gives users the ability to only see where people are located, but never who they are. This compromises the functionality of the travel tracker, but gives ultimate privacy.

Anonymized View

The anonymized view gives a good balance of privacy and functionality. It works like a normal travel tracker, but instead of displaying traveler details, all personal information is displayed as a unique identifier. This allows users to get a good overview of where travelers are but not who they are. In the case of an emergency; designated users can use a special feature to decode the identifiers. The action is recorded by the system to ensure that abuse does not occur. Anonymous view does not compromise the functionality of the travel tracker while maintaining the privacy of the travel tracker.

Voyage Manager's Anonymous Travel Tracking

Voyage Manager is the only travel tracker that supports all three forms of anonymous travel tracking. Our recommendation is to use the anonymous view. With anonymous view there are no compromises in functionality, it is easy to enable and disable the feature and it provides the privacy required by travellers, companies and authorities.

Customer Love

Don't just believe us, read what some of our customers have to say.

“Having a system in place that we can trust allows us to monitor our crew. Voyage Manager contributed to us building our credibility and reputation as a company.”
Steinar Fjeldbo
Fugro Geoteam
“We want to be the absolute industry leaders by having the system in place to maintain and monitor the safety and security of our staff. Voyage Manager allows us to do that.”
Dominic Milne
University of Aberdeen
“We needed a partner that would stay up to speed with safe global travel, its risk, health and security requirements. Voyage Manager gave us what we needed; it’s making our life easier.”
Debra McCabe

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