January 29, 2021

Making Corporate Travel Safer In The US

Making Corporate Travel Safer In The US

Accounting for more than 25% of all cases globally, the US is the country most severely affected by covid-19. The Trump administration placed the responsibility of lockdown restrictions onto individual states, for them to craft their own regulations, which led to a rather liberal quarantining legislation, permitting a lot of movement during the pandemic.

With about 373k flights operating in October 2020, domestic air travel has been on a steady rise after the first wave of the virus. However, the pandemic is far from over. It has become increasingly important for organizations to take accountability for their employees’ safety. Let’s look at how travel tracking systems, like Voyage Manager, can help make travel safer.

With the air traffic the country is seeing, airports around the states have actioned steps to make domestic travel contactless with the help of bar codes and self-service kiosks. However, there are instances when the passenger has to take measures to ensure their own safety. At LaGuardia, for example, only ticketed passengers are allowed entry to the airport. Port Authority officers are stationed at all terminal gates to assist in monitoring access to the terminals.

Making travel contactless - the Vault

Voyage Manager’s Vault stores soft copies of all your documents on your device to save you the hassle of retrieving your original documents, and coming in contact with people, at every point of your journey. With Voyage Manager, all your documents can be accessed on your phone via the Nucleus and Vault apps.

Stay updated in case of any mishaps

According to the COVID tracking project, over 6M US residents were tested positive for the virus in December 2020. Voyage Manager can help ease the anxiety that air travel can cause during such unprecedented times. Our Active

Tracking service module helps organisations stay in touch with their staff by requiring the employee to check in on the platform at every point of their journey. In case of inactivity due to covid-related emergencies, the system sends an alert to both the employers and the employee.

Storing vaccination data efficiently

With news of several covid vaccines being developed across the globe, airlines might require passengers to be vaccinated before hopping onto a flight soon. Your vaccine documents are bound to become as important as your travel portfolioIDs. Passengers may be required to show proof of vaccination at several check points before boarding. Although it will be essential to have your original documents on your person while travelling, having all your vaccination data digitally stored in the Vault will make it easier to present your documents in a contactless manner whenever possible.

In a recent press release, the Biden-Harris administration announced that they anticipate covid vaccines to be widely available by the second quarter of 2021. Until a majority of the population is vaccinated, any mode of travel will come with increased health and safety risks. Ensure your staff’s safety on the go with Voyage Manager!

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