September 10, 2014

Another Education Institution Becomes Customer Of Voyage Manager

Another Education Institution Becomes Customer Of Voyage Manager

University of Aberdeen has signed up as customer of Voyage Manager and will start using the Voyage Manager travel management solution immediately for a team of employees who traveller as part of their job.

Mr Dominic Milne, Deputy Head of the International Office, at the University of Aberdeen, comments: “We have a team who travel extensively overseas and as recent events have sadly shown major incidents, such as terrorism or natural disaster, can and do occur suddenly. We are very mindful of our duty of care, and should the worst happen, we need to be in a position to respond quickly. We wished to establish a more robust and reliable method of being able to monitor where our staff may be at any given time, and the excellent Voyage Manager system allows us to achieve this.”

Voyage Manager’s CEO, John Scott, comments: “University of Aberdeen is the lastest of a number of educational intuitions that have started using our system. The universities are interesting as customers because travelling is not their core business and consequently they have relatively limited resources to provide adequate follow-up of their travellers. Our system with a simple user interface for both the employee and the employer in combination with our wide range of functions meet a need for also this type of businesses.”

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