Well-organised trips with minimal fuss

Even the most lucrative business trips can be de-valued by the amount of time and paperwork it takes to organise logistics, create itineraries and log expenses.

Voyage Manager's travel tracking software simplifies every aspect of business trip management: from approving travel, to compiling documentation and post-trip reporting.

Better planning
Ensure trip requests and plans meet company criteria.
Less paperwork
Manage itineraries and expenses as you go.
Closer control
Communicate with staff during their trip.
Trip management tools for travel coordinators and team leaders

Business trip management tools for travel coordinators and team leaders

Voyage Manager’s innovative travel tracking software enables managers and coordinators to control every aspect of trip planning and travel tracking through a single, online system, in order to:

  • Cut down on the paperwork and email conversations it takes to organise business trips
  • Make sure plans meet company travel policies before approving trip requests
  • Ensure all staff have valid passports, visas and other essential documentation
  • Assign tags to each employee, so you can manage trip logistics by tagged groups

You can check-in with staff at any time during their business trip using our travel tracking software – the most advanced on the market.

Trip management tools for individual travellers

For a seamless trip experience from start to finish, use Voyage Manager’s online portal or suite of mobile apps to support every aspect of business travel:

  • Check-in at each stage of the journey to let colleagues, friends and family know you are safe
  • Securely store copies of your passport, visa and other vital documents online
  • Access trip itineraries and country guides so you don’t need to take print-outs
  • Get instant alerts if there are any incidents affecting travel plans or local security

In addition to simplifying travel logistics, our series of apps help people to track their own data, including the number of days spent in a country and their total allowance.

Trip management tools for individual travellers
Remove pain from travel expense management

Remove pain from travel expense management

Rather than wasting time on admin when you return from a productive trip, Voyage Manager allows staff to easily log expenses as you go:

  • Staff photograph and upload copies of any receipts using the expenses mobile app
  • Synchronise data from card transactions made through Monzo in real-time

Expenses can be used to validate travel tracking, tax and immigration data. Employee spend is automatically linked to each business trip, to holistically manage all aspects of business travel.

Analyse each trip to improve the way you manage business travel

By capturing all travel data in one system, Voyage Manager allows your business to run post-trip reports that calculate essential insights, such as:

  • How business travel is affecting compliance, tax and immigration requirements
  • The impact of travel on your organisation’s environmental footprint
  • The total cost of business travel, including spend with key suppliers and logistics partners

Traveller data can be anonymised, so you can crunch vital statistics without compromising people’s privacy.

Analyse each trip to improve the way you manage business travel
Integrate data from every source

Integrate data from every source

Voyage Manager integrates every type of business travel data into one platform, and there may be times when you want to include data from other sources.

Our platform includes API integrations that enable you to access data from your own software, for a complete overview of business activity. Get in touch with us to find out more.

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See how Voyage Manager improves travel tracking and management.